
I’ve always been fascinated by the avian world. We’re blessed to be born in India, which has a total of around 1301 species of birds, out of which 42 are endemic (found nowhere else in the world) to Indian subcontinent. Almost 13% of the world’s bird species are found in India. 

I’m not the only one, crazy for these winged beauties. Thousands of Indians have taken up bird-watching or bird photography as a serious hobby, and it has paid them rich dividends in the form of solitude, peace, relief from stress, sheer joy, increase in patience, improved observational skills…the list can go on and on!!! 


Join our small community, fall in love with birds, and I guarantee you won’t ever have a break-up.

Importance of birds

Why are birds important? Read what some of the world’s foremost bird experts have to say…

Birds are important because they keep systems in balance: they pollinate plants, disperse seeds, scavenge carcasses and recycle nutrients back into the earth. But they also feed our spirits, marking for us the passage of the seasons, moving us to create art and poetry, inspiring us to flight and reminding us that we are not only on, but of, this earth. — Melanie Driscoll, Director of bird conservation for the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi Flyway.


Without birds, nature would lose her voice and the planet its most engaging envoys. Birds matter precisely because they matter to us. Environment is a concept. Nature a label. Birds are real, elements that live within our sensory plane. They spread their wings and bridge the gap between our world and the natural world. — Pete Dunne, Author, director Cape May Bird Observatory.


When life becomes heavy and worries pull me down like gravity, I simply look up and suddenly there, in the weightless free air, soaring like kites, flitting from branch to branch, unencumbered, my friends the birds release my soul and I am again free. — Carl Schreiner, Eagle, Nebraska.


Through my company, Mid Earth, I have been lucky to have seen more than 600 species of birds till date.

Our favourite birding destinations are –
1. Bharatpur in Rajasthan.
2. Buxa in West Bengal.
3. Parambikulam in Kerala.


Other Useful Links for birding knowledge-


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